Zero Balancing
What is Zero Balancing?
Zero Balancing is a unique form of bodywork with roots in Osteopathy, that addresses the relationship of body structure and body energy. Zero Balancing uses skilled touch, finger pressure and gentle traction on the bones and joints to create a point of balance, or a fulcrum, around which the body can relax and reorganize itself allowing the receiver to let go of held tension and pain and experience a new level of integration.
How does Zero Balancing work?
Zero Balancing recognizes the skeleton as the deepest and most dense energetic location in the body. As we walk and move the force of our skeletons impact with the earth and its environment creates an accumulation of piezoelectricity that is stored in the bones. Thus the skeletons our largest contributor to our electromagnetic field.
The tool developed by Zero Balancing to affect energy and its interaction within the structure of the body is the fulcrum. “Fulcrum” is a position, element or agency through, around or by means of which vital powers are exercised. The Zero Balancing fulcrums are built to distribute energetic and mechanical stress from areas of tension back out through the skeletal system and energy field.
What to expect from Zero Balancing?
Zero Balancing is performed laying down on a treatment table and can be done alone or combined with other modalities. Skin to skin contact is not required. The client should be clothed in loose comfortable clothing. After a brief orienting interview, the practitioner does a seated evaluation to gather preliminary information from the ribs, lower back and shoulders. The client then lies down. At an easy pace, through a variety of evaluative movements and fulcrums, the practitioner will balance key joints and soft tissues in the lower back, hips and feet, the ribs and neck, trapezius, shoulder joint and scapulae, and completes thewith special attention to the suboccipital region. Fulcrums are created and maintained throughout the skeleton as the client responds, reorganizes and reintegrates during or following a shift of balance or vibration.
What does Zero Balancing feel like?
A Zero Balancing touch is light with some gentle holding and fractioning. The therapist may, for instance, take up the slack then traction and rotate at a joint. They may cradle the head and neck, then lift up in an arc. They might make contact with the ribs and gently press into them with curved fingers to create two connecting vectors of force. Fulcrums are held and sustained throughout the session and often stimulate a deep feeling of stillness within. This enables your own energy to flow in clearer, stronger fields and helps you to feel more in your body.
The session typically lasts 44-60 minutes and is often combined with other modalities. After the session, you are given a few moments to rest. Then you will be asked to walk to integrate the work and to give you an opportunity to notice any changes that may have taken place during your Zero Balancing session. Zero Balancing can often take you into enhanced states of enlightenment similar to meditation, so it is helpful to ground by walking, being in nature, or receiving a hug. This helps to transition you back into the rest of your day.
Who can benefit from Zero Balancing?
Everyone benefits from the rebalancing that comes from Zero Balancing. Some of the benefits listed on Zero Balancing are
Increases Feelings Of Health And Well-Being
Zero Balancing induces a state of deep rest that allows you to feel truly relaxed, renewed and recharged. Regular ZB sessions may help you to feel more aware and alive.
Releases Stress And Improves The Flow Of Energy In Our Bodies
Did you know that bones and other connective tissue conduct energy? Zero Balancing uses touch to release deep tension and free the flow of energy in the musculoskeletal system. This relieves stress and boosts your body’s natural vitality.
Reduces Pain And Discomfort
Blocks in the body’s energy often lead to imbalance, discomfort and pain. Zero Balancing works to open restrictions in the skeleton’s natural shock absorbers, such as the tarsal bones in the arches of the feet, the joints where the ribs meet the spine, and the sacro-iliac joints. Once these areas are free and balanced, pain symptoms often resolve.
Enhances Stability, Balance And Freedom
Zero Balancing helps to create a wonderful feeling of inner and outer balance. It’s like feng shui for your being. When your body is clear and balanced and your posture is aligned, you can move with freedom.
Amplifies The Sense Of Connection, Peace And Happiness
People who receive ZB often feel more connected to themselves, to others and to the world. During a session and afterwards, people experience a sense of expansiveness, peace and contentment.
Releases Mental, Emotional And Physical Tension
Zero Balancing works on multiple levels of the body-mind to release tissue-held memory and tension patterns that may be affecting your mental, emotional and physical states.
Supports Us Through Transitions And Transformations
As our life changes we can feel out of balance. At the beginning of a ZB session you can state an intention to align with your goals and desires. As the practitioner engages your bodymind, inducing a deep state of ease, you can let go of any resistance and empower your ability to change. People use ZB to improve relationships, clarify life goals, manage the stress of big changes like a move or a new job, and support personal growth. ZB can help you release old patterns and open to new possibilities.
Improves Quality Of Life And Increases Capacity For Enjoyment
Many people who receive ZB on a regular basis find themselves more joyful and satisfied with their lives as they unfold.
Is Zero Balancing safe for everyone?
Zero Balancing is contraindicated for anyone who is acutely ill, recently injured or recovering from recent surgery, or in the first trimester of pregnancy.