Neuromuscular Therapy
What is Nueromuscular Therapy?
Neuromuscular massage therapy is a a highly-specialized form of manual therapy that aims to alleviate chronic muscle and nervous system disorders and problems by treating trigger points, muscle adhesions, circulation, nerve compression, postural problems, repetitive movement injuries and fascial patterns. Neuromuscular massage therapy utilizes precise mechanical manipulation to correct problem areas by releasing tight fascia, palpating and decreasing trigger points, areas of pain and limited range of motion. The aim of a neuromuscular massage is to treat the source of your pain rather than the "rubbing where it hurts" approach.
How does Neuromuscular Therapy work?
Neuromuscular Massage Therapy is done by manipulating problem areas with mechanical pressure, stretching and self-care tactics. Similar to massage and physical therapy, this treatment manually stimulates the body to reduce pain and increase flexibility. For example, while treating pressure points in the muscles on the neck the practitioner will utilize mobilization and stretching techniques to reduce neck pain. Additionally, stretches and self-care habits will be suggested for home to maintain and build on improvements and reduce the likelihood of additional injuries.
What to expect
Neuromuscular Massage Therapy is performed laying down on a treatment table and can be done alone or combined with other modalities. Skin to skin contact is required so the patient should either be unclothed or dressed in comfortable clothing such as shorts and a tank top. A standing postural assessment is used for evaluation to identify areas of pulling and postural deviations.
Once these areas are identified the therapist will use their hands to locate and treat trigger points. The practitioner uses range of motion tests as well as client feedback on trigger point sensitivity to assess treatment. Neuromuscular treatments are rarely full-body; the work is concentrated on the primary and secondary areas of the body that are causing the pain the client is experiencing, and limiting their range of motion.
What does Mayofascial Release feel like?
Neuromuscular Massage Therapy should feel good. Pressure used during the treatment is based on the client’s pain threshold – “no pain, no gain” is Not the motto. We ask the client to provide feedback on the sensitivity of trigger points and tissue; if the client’s pain reaches 8 on their 1-10 pain scale, the treatment is too intense. After 7 on the scale, the tissue starts to tighten up in response to the pain which is counterproductive, and inappropriate for achieving the client’s goals. As a patient you may experience a variety of signs of release. The following are experiences some of my patients have reported during session:
Increased Range of Motion
Pain reduction or elimination
Ease of movement
Deep sense of relaxation
Whole body integration
Increased digestion and tummy noises
Increased heat or coolness
Redness in the skin
In session your body begins a process on the table that will continue for days or weeks after.
I will invite you to continue to support your body through this process by being gentle with yourself and properly hydrating. Physical exertion is not recommended post treatment.
Who can benefit from Mayofascial Release?
Everyone benefits from the rebalancing that comes from Neuromuscular Massage Therapy. Specifically, people with the following conditions have found relief from Neuromuscular Massage Therapy sessions with me:
Physical Trauma
Acute Injury
Post Surgical
Nerve pain
Repetitive Stress Injury
Postural Deviations
Chronic Pain
Is Neuromuscular Therapy safe for everyone?
Consult your physician before scheduling your treatment session if you have experienced any of the following:
Bone Fractures
Open Wounds
Deep Vein Thrombosis
Skin problems
History of heart problems
Metabolic Conditions