Craniosacral Therapy
What is Craniosacral Therapy?
Craniosacral is a treatment modality with roots in Osteopathy. The focus of craniosacral therapy is to promote the movement of fluids in and around the central nervous system, specifically cerebral spinal fluid. The central nervous system controls most functions of the body. When cerebral spinal fluid is moving freely through this system the body’s natural healing abilities are amplified. Any disruptions to this flow can contribute to pain, dysfunction and disorganization in the nervous system.
How does Craniosacral Therapy work?
The craniosacral system consists of the spinal cord, brain, cranium and cerebral spinal fluid that moves within these structures. This fluid is produced in the ventricles of the brain and drains from the venous sinuses in the brain. As the fluid fills and empties it creates subtle narrowing and widening of the skull and a gentle lengthening and shortening of the spine. These movements facilitate circulation of fluid throughout the system and creates a cranialsacral rhythm.
This rhythm is palpable to a therapist using very light touch.
In a healthy vital system the cerebral spinal fluid has an even rhythmic flow ensuring the brain and spinal cord are adequately hydrated. This hydration is essential to health as the spinal cord is encased in fascia that delivers nutrients to the central nervous system, and circulates hormones, neurotransmitters and immune cells. Lesions and restrictions in the fascia membranes can disrupt the flow of cerebralspinal fluid and impede production and drainage thus having systemic effects on physiology that can lead to pain and illness.
What to expect
Craniosacral is performed laying down on a treatment table and can be done alone or combined with other modalities. The patient is typically fully clothed unless other treatment modalities being used require otherwise. The therapist’s hands evaluate and treat along the spinal cord and skull, however, evaluation may lead the therapist to treat outside of these structures. Gentle touch is used to release fascial restrictions, fluid congestion and disruptions in the flow of cerebral spinal fluid throughout the craniosacral system.
What does Craniosacral Therapy feel like?
As a patient you may experience a variety of signs of tissues release. The following are experiences some of my patients have reported during session:
A deep sense of relaxation
Subtle movement of warm fluid
Dream like states with imagery
A sense of smell, sound or taste
Replaying of memories
Recovery of memories
Spontaneous unwinding of tissue, limbs moving or jerking movements
A sense of being asleep and awake at the same time
Increased digestion and tummy noises
Increased heat or coolness
Somatoemotional Release, releasing as crying, laughing etc.
In session your body begins a process on the table that will continue for days or weeks after. I will invite you to continue to support your body through this process by being gentle with yourself and properly hydrating. Physical exertion is not recommended post treatment.
Who can benefit from Craniosacral Therapy?
Everyone benefits from deep states of relaxation and enhanced vitality. Specifically, people with the following conditions have found relief from craniosacral therapy sessions with me:
Trauma, PTSD and CPTSD
Postpartum depression
Postpartum anxiety
End of life
Sinus issues
Multiple Sclerosis
Temporomandibular Joint Pain
Functional Nuerological Disorder
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Who can benefit from Craniosacral Therapy?
Consult your physician before scheduling your treatment session if you have experienced any of the following:
Cerebral edema
Recent concussion
Blood clots
Traumatic brain injury
Chiari malformation