1:1 Movement Sessions
Craving an expanded connection to your moving body? Interested in bringing your moving body into deeper dialogue with your life, such as refining its functional capacity for easier, more efficient movement? Curious about feeling more centered, grounded, and connected to your body?

This approach offers a way to gently come back home to the body, to re-experience the integration of sensation, feeling, mind and spirit that is ours by nature. We learn to awaken awareness in the body through focused touch, breath, guided imagery, movement and vocal expression, allowing the innate cellular intelligence of the bodymind to guide our explorations; we can learn to trust again the body and the knowledge that it carries.
Through focused touch and sensitively guided movement, areas of tension and blockage can be released, and the core of inner support and strength experienced. As habitual patterns in the body change or become more flexible, the mind also changes, allowing for greater openness, choice, spontaneity of being, and a deepening connection to self.
Using a combination of Touch for Movement Repatterning, Corrective Exercise, and Laban/Bartenieff-approaches I offer one-on-one sessions and small group workshops. These sessions and workshops address your movement patterns (think: posture, alignment. neuromuscular coordination, tension and relaxation patterns) and teach you new ways of understanding and moving your body such that you feel centered and healthy. My promise is not to reduce pain or help reshape your physicality, though if these are your goals they will be more likely happen as you feel more whole and connected in your body.